Thursday, September 18, 2008

Shout out to Single Parents

Single Parents have one of the hardest job out there! Here is my two thumbs up to you!

In these last couple of weeks I have really gain new found admiration for single parents out there, especially those that are not near family. From running between gymnastic & soccer practice, appointments, back to school night and all those everyday things we do. You name it I have had to do it. The problem being is some of these you can't or they don't want you to take the kid with you. So what do you do? Example Kira school which we have to qualify financially for, had a back to school night last night but did not want kids there. OK so I qualify for the school because of our lower income and now you want me to find a babysitter so that I can come with no kids? Or even to volunteer for her class which I have to do once a month, but I can't take Josiah. So what is a single parent to do? I am so thankful for great neighbors and friends that are willing to watch my children for me.

I want to make sure I am clear on this, I am not complaining, well maybe a little but I am very grateful for all the opportunities my children have and they are all by my choose. All the soccer, gymnastics, Kira pre-school. But I do think that we need to be aware of all the single parents out there and think about them when planning things!

Anyway that is just my little rant for the day, I will get off my soap box now! For the single parents just keep your heads up!

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